Thursday, June 7, 2007

Some thoughts on our new technologies

A couple of technology-related articles caught my eye this morning - first, a pretty funny one from the New York Times, a piece of commentary by a mother, who joins Facebook in order to discover what the fuss is and to see if she can connect with her teenage daughter.

‘omg my mom joined facebook!!’

It's hopeless, 'rents. You probably will not be able to relate to your kids through Facebook, but you might have fun trying.

The other one is far less amusing, from The Guardian. It's about blogging in Iran, more specifically, the president's blog and government action to monitor blogging in a nation of bloggers. (Farsi is one of the top ten languages for blogging world-wide.) Yes, President Ahmadinejad has a blog. But more than that, citizens of Iran must register their blogs before they are allowed to publish their postings. Otherwise, it gets filtered out. So much for an open Internet.

Iran's big brother for bloggers

So here I am, sitting at work, experimenting with new technologies and finding out so much just from our 23 Things, while others are having their blogs blocked because they haven't made them for open inspection by a government directive.

1 comment:

grumpy said...

This doesn't go with your post, but I'm just trying it out. I'll have to take some new pictures of the archieve pictures are hiding...Mark is trying to find out what the problem is. I do have them on my external drive so maybe I could just copy those and send them to work....I'll try that. Of course you are right...they will be ticked off if they are not there!