Friday, July 6, 2007

Week 9 - Thing #21 - Podcasts

I've listened to podcasts before, in connection with the Maryland Library Association conference this year. We used it as a way to promote the upcoming conference events. So podcassting as a medium wasn't entirely new, but I've never explored podcasting directories, and I had never known that so much was out there, just waiting to find a listener.

I actually had a difficult time dealing with and with, but Yahoo Podcasts were well organized and easier to figure out. I did manage to include the NPR Story of the Day on my Bloglines account, and considering that these stories are usually about 3 or 4 minutes long, I should be able to enjoy hearing them each day they are broadcast...oops, I mean, podcast! Today's story was about moving massive pieces of scultpture at MOMA and how difficult it is. Not only is it scary because these are valuable pieces of sculpture, but this task is dangerous because sometimes the sculptures fall and kill the movers. I'm glad I am just listening to this and not moving those big things.

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